Friday, November 14, 2014

Packing Up, Moving On

Knee deep in moving boxes
I see it when it slides out
from beneath months and memories
a note you scribbled upside down,
simply, "I love you"

with a frown it goes
into a pile reserved
for all the things I can't afford to keep
and I continue as I have.
I move on.


Friday, August 8, 2014

The Sea's Claim

You may as well
Forbid the sea to obey the moon,
For when you dance,
I wish that you might ever do
Nothing but that.

An adaptation of Camillo and Florizel's speeches in Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Ours was a spring-time love
that didn't last the summer
poisoned by misgivings and misconceptions,
saprolings of lust spread near and far,
I jumped ship for something sweeter,
for all its appearances a bitterblossom

I take it as a lesson time is wont to teach,
Yet I can see her still from this distance
years and lovers removed
another beauty on the wrong side
of something greener

Is she?
Am I?

Too late.