Friday, January 25, 2019

A Letter

Know this: that you - your self, your spirit, your very existence - is but a grain of sand on the beach of existence. And also know that, as small as one grain of sand can be, so too, are you. Minute, minuscule, tiny, infinitesmal - yes, sure, but insignificant? No. That couldn't be further from the truth. For what is a beach if not all those individual grains? What is beauty but the collection of innumerable small pieces, unseen in their scale, but collectively as breathtaking as the majesty of the mountains; each made of countless molecules arranged into crystals, forming billions of stones, heaped one upon the other to reach towards the heavens? So too are you a piece of the fabric of all existence. We glance it from our vantage like a fish peering at the sun from beneath the surface of water - a faint glimmer of the whole truth, and the merest, the slightest comprehension of a world outside our reach. We see ourselves as each cell in our body sees its surroundings; unknowing that it comprises the body of a living, thinking organism. So too does the heart of the Earth beat, and so too does the brain of the cosmos think, with your thoughts, with your energy. We do not sense it, but we are all connected, and in this way, you are as beautiful as me, and we are as beautiful as all the cosmos.

Stellar Body

At night I'll dream
The rise, the shape
In stars' refrain
Shoulder and waist
Falling with you
Lying next to me

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Gifts Ungiven

You gave and I made...
mistakes - as we will.

Love Made Me a Cowboy

This ain't my first rodeo, darling, 
but no matter how many times 
I get bucked off and rebuked
it still carries the same sting,
though I now know where to set my sights,
that when the gate falls, the game has changed. 

True, years and experience can have that effect, 
the bull kicks a little harder, 
we hold the reigns even tighter,
nearer to the drumbeat, the very same 
that compels me to dust off again and claim; 
you know, darling, this ain't my first rodeo. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Packing Up, Moving On

Knee deep in moving boxes
I see it when it slides out
from beneath months and memories
a note you scribbled upside down,
simply, "I love you"

with a frown it goes
into a pile reserved
for all the things I can't afford to keep
and I continue as I have.
I move on.


Friday, August 8, 2014

The Sea's Claim

You may as well
Forbid the sea to obey the moon,
For when you dance,
I wish that you might ever do
Nothing but that.

An adaptation of Camillo and Florizel's speeches in Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Ours was a spring-time love
that didn't last the summer
poisoned by misgivings and misconceptions,
saprolings of lust spread near and far,
I jumped ship for something sweeter,
for all its appearances a bitterblossom

I take it as a lesson time is wont to teach,
Yet I can see her still from this distance
years and lovers removed
another beauty on the wrong side
of something greener

Is she?
Am I?

Too late.